Tuesday, August 30, 2011



When earthly joys appear complete,
some signal comes for earthly strife
to burst upon us, unawares,
and catch us in a net of cares.
But Sai is there to show us how
the tree that’s bending every bough
with fruit that’s never been so sweet
is just the tree inviting folks
to wreak their havoc and their jokes.

Sai himself will never crumble,
though storms may rumble.
He does not wilt,
no matter who may tilt
with stick or stone against the green
of his eternal Tree of Life,
where ripens golden fruit serene.

He melts alone for hearts who yearn
for truth and love; to them he’ll turn.
All bitterness he trades for bliss,
and never tires of saying this:-
“Pain and pleasure, praise and blame
in the end are all the same,
for all are one, and all are Mine...
O Child of God, you are divine!”

Since light and love are what we are,
why should we wait to know delight
or stint a waiting world of light
when we, like flower or shining star,
can breathe out beauty near and far?